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We provide customers many watch replicas. They're all elegant and modest fake watch.

1. Corporate standards internationally.
2. The product and service standards to satisfy our customers, continually
3. Delivery on time.
4. Business model good governance ethical and social responsibility.

We are one of the leading system, stepped into a construction company with the highest quality for customer satisfaction.


Special Business Co., Ltd. was established since 2003. We grew from the company group with direct experience of the M&E system and direct experience about the clean room section in business group such as, Factory Electronic, factory automotive, food and pharmaceutical factories, many shopping malls and hospitals. Our group of companies whose work is recognized by our customers.

Major Business Area
HVAC system, Constriction, Plumbing system, Sanitary system, Fire fighting system, Electrical & Control system, Utility Facility system, Cleanroom Interior & Design,
Duct collector system, Air washer & Wet scrubber system, Process exhaust system,   AC Energy Reduction

We are one of the leading system, stepped into a construction company with the highest quality for customer satisfaction.
Address : 204 M. 4 Phayom, Wangnoi, Ayuthaya 13170 Tel:095-616-8510

 www.specialbusiness.co.th   sales@specialbusiness.co.th

The successful series of mission timers, for example, is growing. As the name suggests, these watches are always dedicated to one purpose and are therefore also developed with practitioners from a specific area. The EZM 12 is intended for medical use in air rescue and therefore comes up with some well-considered and also noticeable details. The second hand of the automatic movement (ETA 2836-2) does its rounds with four rotor blades. In addition to the optical effect, this also serves a medical purpose: the four-leaf pointer refers to a pulse scale that enables the doctor or paramedic to quickly measure a patient's pulse. A rotating inner bezel is used to quickly set a reference time, https://www.perfectreplicawatches.is for example when the helicopter takes off.